What did we do?

24 participants from 12 countries (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey ) participated in the training course "ECO Startup" which took place in Murcia from  5 to 11 May. This training course was organized by the association EPlan and funded by the European Program Youth in Action.
The participants from each country had to prepare homework – a short presentation on the different aspects of youth unemployment and green entrepreneurship in their country. These short presentations helped the participants to discover new things about their home country and compare their situation with the rest of the Europe. The presentations showed that there are huge differences in the process of starting a new company in different countries. Not surprisingly the countries with the easiest procedures, lowest financial demands and best support processes are the ones with the highest number of entrepreneurship projects. Besides that the participants compared the cultural reasons behind the lack of entrepreneurship in some countries – such as fear of failure and the idea of a safe job in a big company or government as the best possible option.

During the training course the participants got to known examples of Green Entrepreneurship from the different partner countries and especially Murcia – the hosting region. Throughout the seven days of the course participants shared the experiences and discussed the role of green entrepreneurship in Europe in this time of crisis and high unemployment levels among youth. They also expanded their knowledge on how to motivate and advise young eco-entrepreneurs so they can address the barriers that come their way, learned about the financial and technical support available for young entrepreneurs in Europe and discussed what it takes to become an entrepreneur.
Some of the participants of the training course were entrepreneurs themselves, while many other have been carrying an idea for a company in their minds for a long time. Hopefully some new green companies will appear in Europe based on the ideas exchanged in the blog and the training course itself.

You can download all the materials used in the training course by clicking here.
To see more photos of the course visit our facebook here. 

Speakers and collaborators during the course in Murcia

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